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Greetings and salutations, web travelers! Welcome back to the new, improved Stevieland, an online community dedicated to Michael Manna, known to the world as the “King of Swing” Stevie Richards! In this realm, you’ll find various Stevie-related items for your entertainment. Click on the left margin and see what pops up! We host The largest Stevie/Steven Richards Picture Gallery on the net!
We hope to bring Fans of Mr. Manna closer together as a community! Our first anniversary arrived on October 9th!

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Page Design ©2000 by Stephanie Prayle and Pandorothy Enterprises

This page would not even exist without the help of Gary, Stephanie, Judy, Theresa, Luis, DJ, Hellfire, Tired, Chan, Gabby, Chiaro, Allie, D'Hood, Chesh and Teresa. A million thanks to you guys for all your help.
Love, Missy

Over 2,000 Lil' Stevies, Stephanies,
Michaels, and Michelles
have visited Stevieland
since 10/09/99

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